GU_CreateMenusA -- Allocate and fill out a menu structure.

	menu = GU_CreateMenusA(newmenu, taglist)
	D0                     A0       A1

	struct Menu *GU_CreateMenusA(struct NewMenu *, struct TagItem *);

	CreateMenusA() allocates and initializes a complete menu
	structure based on the supplied array of NewMenu structures.
	Optionally, CreateMenusA() can allocate and initialize a complete
	set of menu items and sub-items for a single menu title.  This
	is dictated by the contents of the array of NewMenus.

	These GadTools routines are only here to make it simpler for someone
	who wants to use them. This for example, is of no use if you use the
	GadUtil function GU_CreateLocMenuA() to define localized (optional)
	menus with automatic hotkey handlimg etc.

	newmenu - pointer to an array of initialized struct NewMenus.
	tagList - pointer to an array of tags providing optional extra
		  parameters, or NULL.

	See gadtools/CreateMenusA() for available tags.

	menu - pointer to the resulting initialized menu structure (or
              the resulting FirstItem), with all the links for menu items
              and subitems in place.
              The result will be NULL if CreateMenusA() could not allocate
              memory for the menus, or if the NewMenu array had an
              illegal arrangement (eg. NM_SUB following NM_TITLE).
              (see also the GTMN_SecondaryError tag above).

	See gadtools/CreateMenusA() for more information.

	GU_LayoutMenusA(), GU_FreeMenus(), gadtools/CreateMenusA()

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